Tuesday, September 29, 2009

So I started reading this book last night. I knew that I always loved Dickens, but I forgot why. Well it didn't take but 3 pages and I was hooked. I think I've actually read this book before because little snippets come back to me as I read. I love this FN book!
So it may sound stupid, but I love the way the characters sit by the fire and talk. They notice the weather and all sorts of fine details. All at once Dickens creates a world that is both happy and sad. The way Dickens describes the characters and places are so vivid and real that I have a whole world in my mind. I even imagine the what the characters sound like. He is truly a master.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Here it is. In all its glory. And it didn't kill me afterall.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

More stuffs part 2....

Here's some stuffs that are going into the Rock n Roll craft show 6. I got accepted. Woot! Woot! Now i just have to craft my ass off until the deadlines....
this is Pink Meanie and Laparotomy Rabbit. So cute. Upcycled stuffed animal from the goodwill and it doesn't even smell like a little kid!

new stuffs

Ok, it's been a long while since I've posted anything. Well, I've been really busy making a poster for Lola Van Ella's St. Louis Showcase. I'll post pics of that when I'm finished with it. It's been a 2 month endeavor so it should actually be better than it is, but whatever. Here's a sketch of the poster without all the colors. Also some stuff I've done in the meantime...